Friday, January 2, 2015

HAED Quandary

I put a bunch of work into my HAED last night.  Sadly, it's not much on an HAED scale.  Here's what it looks like.

I am thinking about charting a new page further in toward the center as the corner where I started is mostly the same color and, well, really really boring to stitch. 


  1. That's a beautiful chart Joy. I would stick with the part you're stitching as I would be too nervous that my count would be out, but maybe you will be ok as you have gridded it? Happy new year to you and yours.

    1. I am thinking about gridding the surrounding pages in different colored threads.

  2. Your braver than me, I won't touch a HAED! Happy New Year :)

  3. Your brave moving to a different area. Even with gridding I would worry about miscounting!

    1. I think it will be ok since I can use the existing grid lines and I'm going to grid both the page to the right and the bottom before I move one over and each page will be a different color.

  4. I have a few HAED charts, but haven't started stitching any of them yet. I'm a great big coward sometimes :-p

  5. That's a lot of work, Joy! I can't wait to watch your progress whatever you decide...You are brave to tackle a hat off to you :)


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