Sunday, September 12, 2010


Made some decent progress on the Get Well Bear.  Here's a picture

Had a scare Thursday and Friday when I had sudden dizzy spells and I had to go home early from work.  Found out that if I don't snack frequently, I leave myself open for hypoglycemia so bascially, I have to eat more.

On a sad note, my baby girl broke one of my froggies in my collection today when I was cleaning the bathroom.   I had a set of frogs that were candleholders and they locked at the lips with a magnet.  Only one of the pair survives.  I'm going to have to try to superglue the other together.

I am highly recommending Mr. Clean Magic Eraser as it completely cleaned my very very dirty vanity in my bathroom, got off all the formula powder that had glued itself to the vanity and even cleaned the rust left by a metal can of hairspray.  I have also decided that the off brands of Desitin are worthless.  Sure, it was a lot cheaper but it was a lot thinner and would come off if she got her diaper wet (my poor baby has developed a nasty case of diaper rash which normally goes away with a few treatments of Desitin but we ran out and got the off brand...big mistake as it got worse).  Still using off brands of children's Tylenol as there isn't any name brand stuff on the shelf at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute get well bear.
    Sorry to hear about froggie.
    Don't know what my 7 year old would do without his stuffed dog & dog's blanket (always called it dog's blanket) has been through 30 plus stitching surgeries.
    Chris b


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