Tuesday, December 11, 2012

After 3 years of blogging, I finally won something...

It seems no matter what giveaway I enter, I never win anything.  Ok, I take that back.  I won a PIF like 2 years ago but never actually received the PIF.  I won and then that particular blogger dropped off the face of the earth.  Kinda disappointing.

However, this time, I actually won something.  You'll recall a few posts back, I posted about Mel's giveaway at Epic Stitching.  Well, I won it.  An HAED.  I've never stitched an HAED.  So, I went shopping yesterday.  I was originally after one of the House Mouse designs but my husband didn't like them and his opinion does count because if I'm going to work this hard on a piece, I will want to hang it on the wall and we jointly decorate the house.  So, I decided on this piece instead:

It's more appropriate to our decor anyway.  The only issue is I don't think I have any fabric that big.  Not a big deal because with graduate school looming, I don't see much stitching in the near future.


  1. Oh wow! Congrats! What size fabric does it need? Looks like a big project..maybe stitch one strand a day with school LOL

    1. It says it's 16x20 on 25 count. I'm thinking Jobelin or Lugana. An appropriate sized piece is about $12 on 123stitch and abc stitch. Can't afford it now but by the time I'm ready to stitch it, it shouldn't be hard to get fabric.

  2. It looks beautiful, congratulations!

  3. Congratulations! What a beautiful design you chose. I would suggest finding a colored fabric or hand-dying it yourself so you don't have to stitch all the background!

    1. I don't trust myself to hand dye it. I wonder if Picture This Plus does anything in 25 or 28 count. Otherwise, I might do the background in half crosses and the main part of the cross in full. I have awhile to think about it since I can't afford the fabric for it right now anyway.


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