Monday, November 1, 2010

Pictures Finally! and....a dilemma

So.....Here are the stockings.....a little late, but here they are:

Zoe's still needs the two pompoms to be glued on and the rest of the fringe but that's just minor details.

I also finished my pumpkin piece that I'm doing for Becky's contest.  Only problem....large crease in the middle and my iron is MIA.  Eeek.  New iron not in budget at the moment either.  Any suggestions?

So....the question is....what to do next?

I have that wonderful Snow White Thomas Kinkade waiting but I'm not sure I want to delve into something that large at this point.  I have a bunch of kits I could do but then I have to separate the floss again and I used up my floss cards on the Kinkade piece.

And Parsley....haven't forgotten.  Still owe you a PIF.  I have a couple of ideas but still nothing has jumped out that screams "Parsley."

Which brings me to the dilemma.  I decided that each year I'm going to stitch my children (Zoe and yet-to-be-named-who-won't-cooperate-and-show-Mommy-what-she's-having) an ornament.  This will actually be Zoe's second Christmas so I owe her two ornaments (not going to start them now most likely as she won't understand it right now).  I have this year's picked out.  It's a stick horse ornament.  The problem is the "Baby's First Christmas."  I have not seen a "Baby's First Christmas" pattern in any of my magazines (and I have 4 4" D ring binders of them too).  So, I have this really cute pattern for a mouse sleeping in a bed that I was thinking of doing and adding baby's first Christmas but I'm am looking for suggestions.  Don't really want to go out an buy a pattern, just looking for a nice motif you think would work well.


  1. Really nice finish to the stockings. Could you take the piece with the crease to a local dry cleaners to be pressed? Ir maybe a friend would let you come and use her iron? If you can I would go with the latter.

    Mary Louise

  2. Very very adorable...both of the stockings & the pumpkin piece.
    Our son, hid what he was too on ultrasound. Think surprises are more fun for parents & others...that's what we discovered.
    Chris B.

  3. Love what you're creating with the pumpkin and leaves - looking forward to seeing the finished creation!


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