As a tech, I ask a lot of questions. Mostly because I'm working blind as it's hard to see your cell phone through a phone line. You would think that Q would be for Quilting but I don't quilt so I had to find something else.
Therefore, I'm opening up the floor to questions. I'll answer some basic questions and then if you have any more questions about me or my blog or how to do something that you think I might know how to do, feel free to leave a comment. Within reason, please.
What is your middle name?
When were you born?
December 22, 1984 (that makes me 27)
What states have you lived in?
I've lived most of my life in Wisconsin but went to college in Minnesota and spent a summer living in Colorado but now I live in Texas.
Are you married?
Yes, I've been married for 3 years (see K is for Kenny)
Where do you work?
I am currently a technical care specialist for T-Mobile (aka PDA/Blackberry support or Tier III Smartphone support). When my center closes in June, I will be just short of working there 3 years.
What languages do you speak?
English and very little Spanish
How many children do you have?
3 stepchildren and 2 little girls
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, cross stitching, needlepoint, loom knitting
What instruments do you play?
Piano, organ, handbells, mandonlin (still learning), I'm also a classically trained singer
That's all I can think of for now. I'm opening the floor to questions.